Friday, February 5, 2010

: The Lifestyle of American

In the United States, 60% of doctors have their own clinics, the clinic outpatients only 70% of the total outpatients, but its small size, quantity, widely distributed, to facilitate medical treatment. Guest services, the United States, doctors are very enthusiastic, if the patient's condition serious, doctors referred to hospital by hospital treatment after discharge from hospital was still back to the original clinic follow-up medical care, ensuring continuity of patient care and medical quality improvement. Loose relationship between doctors and hospitals, most are not co-exist together as an employee and hospital. Their doctor's office and one or more hospitals. Medical costs due to the U.S. payment system specifically set up doctor's fees, the income of their own doctors and hospitals separately, for example, a patient's medical expenses in two parts, part paid directly to the doctor himself or herself as part of its technology, the value of labor embodied; another part of the paid to the hospital as a hospital to provide medical facilities in compensation

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