Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wearing high-heeled shoes can make the woman feel more successful

The high-heeled shoes originates from Louis XIV for ages. In fact it’s original meaning is to keep young and pretty maid-in-waiting from running away from the palace, and this unavoidably makes the person associate " footbinding " of China. No matter the high-heeled shoes or footbinding, all at the beginning are fetter that male's society set for the female's body freedom. But afterwards, all are developed into the magic power mark that social people and even female themself accepted. To investigate the reasons of its back, the scholars who study the cultural mentality discover that no matter footbinding or wearing high-heeled shoes are all ordered about by a kind of impulse of Utopia type. That is"through changing own body to raise own social position".
Footbinding has already become the history till now. But the high-heeled shoes is more and more loved by the female. It is turned into the most important career tools similar to briefcase. A recent reseach that “HARPERS BAZAAR” magazine entrust investigates 500 females who situate in the tallest post in the area of the British finance, newspaper and health care, and has discovered that the 70% female say wearing high-heeled shoes in the work will naturally feel self even having real strenght and also even having confidence on their own ability. This expresses that the high-heeled shoes has already become the self-confident source of the female on occupation incumbency field and more means success to them.

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